Thursday, April 8, 2021

Meanwhile in Pyrewood Village

Context: if you visit Pyrewood village in World of Warcraft by day, you will find people. If you visit it by night, you find werewolves.

So I wondered about the daily routines of the villagers.

The Tale of the Countries (ttotc)

After 8 years of brooding, drafting, editing, kicking, screaming and rewriting a bazillion times, it took a global pandemic to keep me inside enough so I could write the entire trilogy. It's the story I had in me which wouldn't let me sleep at night until it came out. Now I feel a lot better having extracted this book and it deserved its own page on my blog.

You can read it here. 

And I made a separate gallery for ttotc art on my deviant art. 

My DeviantArt Page ParysaursNest

I've added a bunch of my comics, drawings and miniature paintings to my deviant art page at ParysaursNest.